180 zijn het er inmiddels. Echte helden. Van semi helden die hun zendtijd krijgen bij SBS shownieuws, weten we hun naam. Van deze echte helden.. weten we niets. Alleen dat ze er zijn, en dat ze bereidt zijn hun leven op te offeren.
750 werknemers telde de kerncentrale ten tijde van het begin van de catastrofe. 50 van hen is in eerste instantie gevraagd te blijven, 120 werden er aan toe gevoegd. Het zijn waarschijnlijk de oudste werknemers, degenen die zich niet meer zullen voortplanten, degenen die sowieso nog maar het kortste te leven hebben. Degene waarbij de straling zo min mogelijk blijvende schade kan aanrichten. Degene die het minst zullen lijden onder de straling. Degene waar we eigenlijk toch al afscheid van hebben genomen. Degene die... de geschiedenis in zullen gaan als échte helden.
Eén van de mannen stuurt een e-mail naar zijn vrouw: "Ik zal voorlopig niet terug keren." (Zie onderste youtube film)
Als er 62 Nederlanders dood gaan tijdens een vliegtuig ongeluk zenden we geen lachwekkende filmpjes meer uit. Over deze mannen horen we slechts sporadisch iets. Veel te weinig, ik voel me verplicht hen aandacht te geven. Daarom doe ik dat hier:
15 maart 2011, Fukushima, Japan.
En dan nog een klein plaatsje voor de liquidators van Tsjernobyl. De mannen die exact dezelfde taak als de Fukushima-50 hadden. Even grote helden, hopelijk minder grote verliezen.
My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with blackhatthacker@gmail.com who took care of the hack job. She hacked his iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth he was cheating . Contact her for any hack job. Tell her Milagrose referred you to her, she will surely meet your hack need. Contact: blackhatthacker@gmail.com
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks blackhatthacker@gmail.com for the great and perfect hack service you provided for me. helping check on my husband's infidelity. She helped me hack his cell phone number and I was a blessing to listen to every calls in real time and also provided his email password, redirected his whatsApp messages and I was also reading all his chats with his mistress and text messages. It was all worth the time. I know there are many people like me out there. Contact her directly via email blackhatthacker@gmail.com
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks very much blackhatthacker@gmail.com for helping me hack into my cheating husbands phone number, I was able to listen to his incoming and outgoing calls,text messages, facebook and whatsapp activities in real time to discover he was a cheating liar. Her hack services is top class. hit her up on blackhatthacker@gmail.com for any hack related issues I am very certain you have your problem solved because I'm a testimony to her great service
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTo everyone out there i want to openly thank blackhatservers@gmail.com for her service… She helped me from infidelity and lies of my cheating husband. She was able to hack his phone so i listen to every call he makes or receives, hacked his whatassp, email and Facebook …i know there are lots of people out there looking for proof and evidences about one thing or the other . Be open and confide in her so she can be at the best of her service to you. Do contact her via email blackhatservers@gmail.com
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIf you think your spouse may be cheating, you can contact PHONESPYAPPS1@GMAIL.COM
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHe’s a real hacker and was very reliable in helping me spy on my cheating husband’s cell phone remotely.
My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with onlineghost who took care of the hack job. He hacked his iPhone,Facebook,Instagram, Whats app, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I”m glad i had a proven truth he was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: onlineghosthacker247@ gmail .com
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHello, if you even require a legit hacker to help monitor any cell phone remotely, contact deadlyhacker01@gmail.com or whatsapp: +1 3478577580
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThey're very reliable.
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