
zaterdag 13 mei 2017

Wachten op Merkelleaks

Column uit het FD.

Het afgelopen halfjaar bood voor Rusland volop kansen om westerse regeringen en de NAVO te beïnvloeden: de verkiezingen in Amerika, Nederland en Frankrijk.
Heeft Nederland last gehad van Russische inmenging? Nee. Hadden we concreet bewijs dat de Russen een ‘aanval’ op Nederland voorbereidde? Nee. Het enige concrete bewijs waarbij Rusland een Nederlandse entiteit aanviel is MH17. Hier heeft Rusland getracht informatie van de Onderzoeksraad te bemachtigen.

Verder zijn er geen indicaties dat Rusland zijn pijlen op Nederland had gericht. Maar Nederland is dan ook van ondergeschikte belang voor het voortbestaan van de Europese Unie. Als Nederland uit de EU treedt is dat natuurlijk een klap, maar ondergeschikt als Duitsland of Frankrijk de EU verlaten. Dit zal de doodslag zijn voor de Europese samenwerking, met alle gevolgen van dien. Daarom zien we ook dat Rusland het vooral op deze twee landen gemunt heeft.
De Amerikaanse verkiezingen waren een zege voor de Russen. Door het Democratic National Committee te hacken wisten ze een anti-Clinton-sentiment op te wekken. Er werden ‘schandalen’ naar de pers gelekt die de media één op één konden overnemen.
Rusland viel de afgelopen weken ook de Franse presidentskandidaat Macron aan. Dit deden ze via de domeinen,, en De officiële domeinnaam van Macron was En wellicht gebruikte Macron Microsoft Office. Inloggen bij Office doe je namelijk via Deze domeinen zijn echter pas sinds maart gebruikt. Een erg late campagne van de Russen dus, maar het bleef lang onduidelijk welke kandidaten favoriet waren bij de Franse verkiezingen.
Afgelopen zaterdag, een dag voor de beslissende tweede ronde van de Franse presidentsverkiezingen, werd een dump van 9Gb online geplaatst: op het allerlaatste moment dus. Hadden de Russische inlichtingendiensten niet genoeg tijd om alle gestolen data te analyseren? Konden ze zelf geen schandalen vinden en hadden ze dit online gezet in de hoop dat het Franse publiek dat wel kon? Of dachten ze door het publiceren van deze data het sentiment bij de Fransen te creëren dat er ‘vast wel’ een schandaal boven zou komen drijven, zoals dat bijna altijd gebeurt bij dumps die online worden geplaatst.
Hoe dan ook, de Russen verloren de slag in Frankrijk. Hiermee blijft er nog één mogelijkheid over om de NAVO en de EU aan te vallen: Duitsland.
Hebben we concrete aanwijzingen dat Rusland Duitsland op de korrel heeft? Ja. In mei 2015 hackte Rusland de Bundestag en werd zeer veel informatie buit gemaakt. Ook werd de German Freedom Party ( aangevallen. Maar het meest opvallende was de aanval op het CDU, de partij van Angela Merkel. De server waarmee dit gebeurde viel eerder ook de AKP van Erdogan aan, en die e-mails zijn al uitgelekt.
Rusland beschikt dus sowieso over informatie waarmee het de Duitse verkiezingen kan beïnvloeden. En dit is voorlopig de laatste kans dat Rusland de Europese Unie kan ondermijnen. Alles wijst erop dat Rusland zich goed heeft voorbereid op de Duitse verkiezingen. En mocht Poetin zijn ongekend agressieve aanpak voort blijven zetten, dan verwacht ik spektakel.

43 opmerkingen:

  1. Confront your cheating spouse with evidence, i was able to spy on my cheating ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce can contact (CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM) call and text (916) 302-2234 for spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more, viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger, calls log and spy call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely, cell phone GPS location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages, his services are cheap.. and please tell him i referred you to him he is a man with a heart of GOLD.


    1. ★ HACKING is a broad term Engagement.
      It depends on what you want to hack. Mobile device,PC or Website, emails etc
      I will brief you through the process of hacking and securing Website since most of the Hackers are after it. All the startup owners or aspirants should know.
      In order to hack you need Information hell of alot.📂📔📗📘📖

      Wanna hack website Or A Database ?

      • You need to get it’s Ip addresses, Open Ports,file transfer medium (FTP or SSH),Email addresses,Detecting Insecure code(SQLi & SSH),System architecture ( 64 bit, 32 bit).🔍🔍

      • Ok so why do we need these informations???❓❓❓

      • Open Ports : If there is an open port that means website is ready to listen to connection . Take example of FTP open ports. If it’s open then it can be bruteforced ).🔆🔆

      • Tip: Use SSH instead of ftp, it’s secure and encrypted mean when you send files over SSH first thing it does is encrypts your files So even if hacker gain access to your files they will see encrypted files not plain texts.⌨️⌨️

      • Emails? Email is needed for social engineering. With just a one click a backdoor will be installed in your system/browser. There is incredibly powerful software for exploiting that is BEEF pre-installed in kali All you need is to do is send hook.js file to your victim and trick him to click(Which is easy) and BAM start doing evil things.⏯⏯

      • Tip : if you type whois in Linux you will find details like Domain registrar email address,phone number his address etc . So when you register your domain and purchase hosting do buy icann protection with it, it does not cost that much. in this way you will be able to protect your info.📲💻

      • Detecting SQLi vulnerability is easy just write single inverted comma after url php?id=1 Like php?id=1′ if it returns an error .Then It’s ready to be hacked. 💻💻

      • TIP Use PDO instead of Mysqli or Mysql. If you are not familiar with PDO(can also be used with MYSQLi) then make sure you use htmlspecialchars and htmlentities. Example: Lets say you are getting value from browser. Do below thing to make your code secure

      This is the least you can do to protect yourself from hackers agianst SQLi.

      Sorry i cant go into details here.😷😷

      Kindly Contact Us For More Details And For ALL Kinds Of Hacking services you desire via 👌🏽👌🏽

      However Let Me Quickly Brief You About My Team:

      • COMPOSITE HACKS is a Team Of Professional HACKERS , a product of the coming together of Legit Hackers from the Dark-Web (pentaguard, CyberBerkut, White Hack and Black Hat,) whose system is a very strong and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas and directives.✅✅✅

      ★ COMPOSITE HACKS offers BEST quality professional hacking services that can't be matched with other hacker for hire company. Our professional hackers have most advanced hacking technique to hack Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email accounts, SmartPhone, Website, Database and many more. Also you can request for customized hack. These days hiring a Legit hacker is difficult. You might get scammed for wrong hacking services or by fake hackers on the Internet. Don't get fooled by scammers that are advertising false professional hacking services.❌❌❌❌

      * What Exactly is your Desire? Have you been hacked? Need to recover your deleted Files or your stolen password? You Wanna Clear Your Criminal Records❌❌? Want to monitor your kids,wife/husband,girlfriend/boyfriend by Hacking into their mobile phones📲? Even something to do with Database 💻? Hundreds to a large number of individuals have their phones, social media account, email accounts, servers, and PCs hacked consistently⚔️. Our professional hackers for hire team is highly qualified and can hack anything without notifying the Target ‼️🔛

      ★ Contact Us For Your Desired Hacking Services Via : 🗝🗝

      * You Can Also Check Our Blog For Helpful Tips: ‼️

      ★We Treat Every Request With Utmost Confidentiality★ 🙌🏽


      🔍🔍Are you Seeking for the Best Legit Professional Hackers online??❓💻💻💻
      Congratulations Your search ends right here with us. 🔍🔍🔍🔍

      🏅COMPOSITE HACKS is a vibrant squad of dedicated online hackers maintaining the highest standards and unparalleled professionalism in every aspect.
      We Are One Of The Leading Hack Teams in The United States🇺🇸🇺🇸 With So many Accolades From The IT Companies🏆🏅🥇. In this online world there is no Electronic Device we cannot hack. Having years of experience in serving Clients with Professional Hacking services, we have mastered them all. You might get scammed for wrong hacking services or by fake hackers on the Internet. Don't get fooled by scamers that are advertising false professional hacking services via False Testimonies, and sort of Fake Write Ups.❌❌❌❌

      🏅COMPOSITE HACKS is the Answers to your prayers. We Can help you recover the password of your email, Facebook or any other accounts, Facebook Hack, Phone Hack (Which enables you to monitor your kids/wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend, by gaining access to everything they are doing on their phone without their notice), You Wanna Hack A Website or Database? You wanna Clear your Criminal Records?? Our Team accepts all types of hacking orders and delivers assured results to alleviate your agonies and anxieties. Our main areas of expertise include but is never confined to:

      ✅Website hacking 💻,
      ✅Facebook and social media hacking📲
      ✅Database hacking, & Blog Cleaning⌨️
      ✅Phone and Gadget Hacking📲
      ✅ CREDIT CARD Loading 💳 💳 ( Strictly USA & UK Credit Cards Only)
      ✅ PayPal Loading & Money Flipping 💰
      ✅Clearing Of Criminal Records❌
      ✅Location Tracking
      ✅ and many More✅

      🏅We have a trained team of seasoned professionals under various skillsets when it comes to online hacking services. Our company in fact houses a separate group of specialists who are productively focussed and established authorities in different platforms. They hail from a proven track record Called “HackerOne” and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture or recapture all relevant data needed by our Clients. Some Of These Specialists Includes ⭐️ PETER YAWORSKI⭐️ FRANS ROSEN ⭐️JACK CABLE ⭐️ JOBERT ABMA ⭐️ ARNE SWINNEN ⭐️ And More

      🏅 COMPOSITE HACKS understands your requirements to hire a professional hacker and can perceive what actually threatens you and risk your business⚔️, relationships or even life👌🏽. We are 100% trusted professional hacking Organization and keep your deal entirely confidential💯. We are aware of the hazards involved. Our team under no circumstances disclose information to any third party❌❌. The core values adhered by our firm is based on trust and faith. Our expert hacking online Organization supports you on time and reply to any query related to the unique services we offer
      Time also depends on what exactly you want to hack and how serious you are. Enough time with social engineering is required for hacking. So if you want to bind us in a short time, then just DONT contact us because we can't hack within 10-15minutes, *sorry*.
      I have seen FAKE HACKERS claiming they can hack in 10min , but there is no REAL HACKER who can say this (AVOID THEM) 💯

      🏅COMPOSITE HACKS is available for customer care 24/7, all day and night. We understand that your request might be urgent, so we have a separate team of allocated hackers who interact with our Clients round the clock⏰. You are with the right people so just get started.💯✅

      📲 CONTACT:
      Hire a Hacker!
      Want faster service? Contact us!
      HackerOne©️LLC 2018.
      All Rights Reserved ®️

      ★We Treat Every Request With Utmost Confidentiality★ 🙌🏽



      Have you ever wondered if it's possible to hack things the way hackers do it in the movies❓
      Yeah, its very possible!!!

      Hacking has been made simple in the word today, there are several hacking tools(Hacking Softwares and Hacking devices) out there that can be used to complete simple Hacking task.

      CYBER HACKING INTEL(CHI) is a group of skilled hackers that understand the use of this Hacking tools and can give you the best and secure Hacking services. Our services are fast and unique and guarantee a 💯 % chance of success.

      ❌Beware of Spammers and fake Hackers‼️ They are everywhere in the internet posting false ads and opening false sites. Do not be a victim of this guys, we am have come across so many of their victims, many of them we helped recover back what was taken falsely from them, few of them weren’t that lucky.

      We are descrete and won't expose our service to you to anyone.

      2019 © Cyber Hacking Intel.


    4. 🟢Hire the best and fastest HACKERS on the web today. We give you HACKING SERVICES better than any HACKING group you can find in the internet. Our HACKERS are available for 24/7, always ready to attend to you at any time of the day, anywhere in the world.

      🟢 There are no limits to what we can do. Don’t be surprised we say this. Hacking isn’t as difficult as it sounds, as so many HACKING equipments(softwares, virus, spyware, Trojan) are made available in the dark web and this has made HACKING very easy to perform. There are different varieties of Hacking Service we offer, such a as
      ✅Phone📱📲 /Computer💻 Hacks & Tracking
      ✅Emails 📧 & Social Media account Hacks/password recovery
      ✅Raising Money 💰 using (Bitcoin Mining, Money Flip e.t.c)
      ✅Recovery of deleted files e.t.c

      🟢If you need hacking services, PYTHONAX are the group you should contact. We have a strong policy that covers our Customers Privacy. We do not ask our Customers Targets and intention for any job given to us, we simply do our job and provide a strong security to customers so that our services can’t be traced to them.

      🟠Payment for our services will only be collected after Customers have certified and confirmed the completion of their job. For no reason do we collect upfront for services. But note that Customers will have to pay for Hacking Equipments if necessary before a job would be done.

      🔴Beware of FRAUDSTERS claiming to be HACKERS and ripping people of their money, they saying things and share false testimonies to Attract people and Lure them. The are everywhere in the internet even here in this site, be careful of them. We have come across so many of this FRAUDSTERS Victims and some have been lucky to get back what was falsely taken from them.

      Below are list of our emails you can contact if you need our services

      2019 © PYTHONAX.

    5. 🟢Hire the best and fastest HACKERS on the web today. We give you HACKING SERVICES better than any HACKING group you can find in the internet. Our HACKERS are available for 24/7, always ready to attend to you at any time of the day, anywhere in the world.

      🟢 There are no limits to what we can do. Don’t be surprised we say this. Hacking isn’t as difficult as it sounds, as so many HACKING equipments(softwares, virus, spyware, Trojan) are made available in the dark web and this has made HACKING very easy to perform. There are different varieties of Hacking Service we offer, such a as
      ▪️Phone📱📲 Hack, cloning & Tracking
      ▪️Computer 💻 Hacking
      ▪️Emails 📧 & Social Media account Hacks/password recovery
      ▪️Tracking/Finging People
      ▪️Raising Money 💰 using (Bitcoin Mining, Money Flip e.t.c)
      ▪️Tracking Scammers and Spammers.
      ▪️Recovery of deleted files e.t.c

      🟢If you need hacking services, PYTHONAX are the group you should contact. We have a strong policy that covers our Clients Privacy. We do not ask our Clients Targets and intention for any job given to us, we simply do our job and provide a strong security to Clients so that our services can’t be traced to them.

      🟠Payment for our services will only be collected after Customers have certified and confirmed the completion of their job. For no reason do we collect upfront for services. But note that Customers will have to pay for Hacking Equipments if necessary before a job would be done.

      🔴Beware of FRAUDSTERS claiming to be HACKERS and ripping people of their money, they saying things and share false testimonies to Attract people and Lure them. They are everywhere in the internet even here in this site, be careful of them. We have come across so many of this FRAUDSTERS Victims and some have been lucky to get back what was falsely taken from them.

      Below are list of our emails you can contact if you need our services

      2020 © All Right Reserved.


      PYTHONAX are a group of Certified and Registered Hackers under the Hackers Forum HackerOne. We usually Advertised in the Dark web, but the rate at wish individuals are been defrauded (Scammed) by false Hackers has actually forced us to start trowing adverts on the regular web.

      Based on the HackerOne standard, Hacking for individuals are not allowed and that’s why our services are more reliable and stay undetected. If you are caught, then we are caught, or if you have a problem with our services then we also have a problem of get caught by HackerOne Authorities. We meet up to every job we take as our insurance policy of not getting caught by the HackerOne Authorities.

      ▪️Phone Hacking/Cloning ▪️Email Hacking ▪️Social Media account Hacking ▪️Keylogging installations ▪️Deleted Emails, Files & Documents Recovery ▪️Website Hacking ▪️Scam Tracking ▪️Money/Bitcoin Recovery ▪️Binary Option Recovery ▪️Cyber Bully ▪️Virus Installation/ Detection..........e.t.c

      Feel free to Email is if you need a Hacking services that’s not listed above. We are here to hack for you
      Contact us via the email-:

      2020 © All Right Reserved.

    7. Hallo, ik ben Theresa Williams Na jarenlang een relatie met Anderson te hebben gehad, maakte hij het uit, ik deed al het mogelijke om hem terug te brengen, maar alles was tevergeefs, ik wilde hem zo graag terug vanwege de liefde die ik voor hem heb, Ik smeekte hem met alles, ik deed beloftes, maar hij weigerde. Ik legde mijn probleem uit aan mijn vriend en zij stelde voor dat ik liever contact op zou nemen met een spreukcaster die me zou kunnen helpen een spreuk uit te spreken om hem terug te brengen, maar ik ben het type dat nooit in spreuk geloofde, ik had geen andere keus dan het te proberen, ik mailde de spell-caster en hij vertelde me dat het geen probleem was dat alles binnen drie dagen in orde zou zijn, dat mijn ex vóór drie dagen bij mij terug zou komen, hij betoverde het en verrassend genoeg op de tweede dag was het rond 16.00 uur. Mijn ex belde me, ik was zo verrast, ik beantwoordde het telefoontje en alles wat hij zei was dat hij zoveel spijt had van alles wat er gebeurde dat hij wilde dat ik bij hem terugkeerde, dat hij zoveel van me houdt. Ik was zo blij en ging naar hem toe, zo begonnen we weer gelukkig samen te leven. Sindsdien heb ik beloofd dat iedereen die ik ken met een relatieprobleem, zo'n persoon zou helpen door hem of haar door te verwijzen naar de enige echte en krachtige spellcaster die me hielp met mijn eigen probleem. Zijn e-mailadres: {} u kunt hem een ​​e-mail sturen als u zijn hulp nodig heeft in uw relatie of een andere zaak.
      1) Liefdes spreuken
      2) Lost Love Spells
      3) Stop echtscheidingsspreuken
      4) Huwelijksspreuken
      5) Zwangerschapsduur
      6) Breakup-spreuken
      7) Death spell
      8.) Je wilt gepromoot worden in je kantoor
      9) je geliefde wilt bevredigen
      10) Loterij
      Neem contact op met deze geweldige man als je een probleem hebt voor een duurzame oplossing
      via {}

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  2. Ik zie geen reden waarom ik problemen heb in het leven als er een God op aarde is met de hulp van Lord Doctor Zakuza. Mijn vrouw liet me aan haar ex-geliefde omdat ze dacht dat ik haar na 6 jaar huwelijk niet zwanger kon maken. Ik was zo ongeorganiseerd en depressief dat ik me niet kon concentreren op mijn werk en mijn collega (Whitney) merkte dat ik mezelf niet was. Ik had geen andere keuze dan haar alles te vertellen en ze stuurde me naar een eerlijke helper online genaamd Lord Doctor Zakuza, want hij kon me van dienst zijn. Ik kwam in contact met hem op zoek naar zijn hulp en hij deed een mirakel in mijn leven door mijn vrouw terug te brengen van haar ex-geliefde en nu hebben we een kind om de onze te bellen en ik werd gepromoveerd op mijn werkplek als gedelegeerd bestuurder . Ik zal niet stoppen met het bedanken van Lord Doctor Zakuza, want ik heb hem beloofd dat ik mijn verhaal aan het universum zal vertellen. Ben je ziek of heb je hulp nodig om je geliefde terug te krijgen? Neem dan contact op met Lord Doctor Zakuza nu er niets te moeilijk voor hem is om te doen. E-mail:

    1. Need The To Hire A Hacker❓ Then contact PYTHONAX✅

      The really amazing deal about contacting PYTHONAX is that the Hack done by us can’t get traced to you, as every Hacking job we do is strongly protected by our Firewall. It’s like saying if anyone tries to trace the Hack, it will lead them to us and we block whatever actions they are doing.

      We have been Invisible to Authorities for almost a decade now and if you google PYTHONAX, not really about us comes out, you can only see comments made by us or about us.

      Another Amazing thing to you benefit from Hiring our Hackers is that you get a Legit and the best Hacking service, As we provide you with Professional Hackers who have their Hacking Areas of specialization.
      We perform every Hack there is, using special Hacking tools we get from the dark web.

      Some list of Hacking Services we provide are-:
      ▪️Phone Hacking & Cloning ✅
      ▪️Computer Hacking ✅
      ▪️Emails & Social Media Account Hacking✅
      ▪️Recovering Deleted Files✅
      ▪️Tracking & Finding People ✅
      ▪️Hunting Down Scammers✅
      ▪️Hack detecting ✅
      ▪️Stealing/Copying Files & Documents From Restricted Networks and Servers ✅
      ▪️Bitcoin Multiplication✅
      ▪️Binary Option Money Recovery ✅
      ▪️Forex Trading Money Recovery✅
      ▪️IQ Option Money Recovery✅
      And lots more......

      Whatever Hacking service you require, just give us an Email to the Emails Address provided below.

      2020 © PYTHONAX.

  3. Hello, If you want to hack your spouses or girlfriends Email, social account, phone and other means to get contact of someone without him/her knowing, contact They are very good and affordable and also based in the USA. contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 512 605 1256 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you INSTAGRAM:Cyberhackprofessionals

  4. If you know you not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I was dying inside for my cheating wife, i had no prove, no one to run to. Everyone thought i was paranoid. until i was referred to a Private Investigator  Mr James . I told him about my situation and He understood me well and helped me spy on my wifes iphone.He hacked her Gmail and Facebook account and linked all her WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth.I saw all the evidence and i was heart Broken,I just want to openly say thank you Mr James for helping me get evidence against her,i feel so hurt. If you need help please contact him ( via email. 


  5. There is no denying the fact that the body of a girl is what the client first looks at while booking an escort. The bodies of these Karachi Escorts are toned and display a perfect blend of slim and sexy. They are bound to provide you the pleasures that you have been longing for.

  6. Hello everyone! i want to publicly appreciate the effort of spytechenterprise@ for helping me hack my partner’s
    phone without access to the phone and my partner did not figure or suspect anything, he his also reliable with all social media account hack such as facebook and lots morei want to recommend him for you all,
    he is fast and highly reliable…He would be willing to help you….or call +1 315 355 0337 you can contact us on instagram @privatespyhacker

  7. I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a private investigator and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls,and all her WhatsApp messages , I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr james was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via email( or Text/call : +12317945543

    How well are you prepared for a Cyber incident or Breach?, Is your Data safe?
    Strengthen your Cybersecurity stance by contacting CLASSIC CYBER NOTCH @ GMAIL DOT COM for a Perfect, Unique, Classic and Professional Job in Securing your Network against all sort of breaches and from scammers as well.
    For we are Specially equipped with the Best hands to getting your Cyber Hack needs met as your jobs will be handled with utmost professionalism.

    We do All type of cyber Jobs such as:
    ✅ TRACKING of GPS location, cars, Computers, Phones (Apple, windows and Android), e.t.c.
    We also Track
    E-MAIL account,(G-mail, Yahoo mail, AOL, Proton mail, etc.)
    SOCIAL MEDIA account, (Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Whatsapp, e.t.c.)

    ✅ RECOVERY of Passwords for E-mail address, Phones, Computers, Social media Accounts, Documents e.t.c,

    ✅ INSTALLATION of Spy ware so as to spy into someone else's computer, phone or E-mail address and also Installation of Spy ware software on your individual O.S to know if your Gadget is being hacked into..
    We also Create and Install VIRUS into any desired computer gadget.

    ✅ CRACKING Websites, any desired gadget be it computers or phones, CCTV Survelance camera, Data base (of both Private and Govt organization, such as Schools, Hospitals, Court houses, The FBI, NSA) e.t.c....

    Other Jobs we do are:
    ✅ We provide Private Investigator service
    ✅ Clearing Criminal records of diverse type
    ✅ Binary Options fraud Recovery
    ✅ Bitcoin Mining
    ✅ Issuing of blank ATM
    We assure you that your Job will be attended to with care and efficiency as it will be handled by the Best professional hands in Cyber literacy.

    ✅ We also have a forum where you can get yourself equipped with Advanced hacking Knowledge..

    CLASSIC CYBER NOTCH gives you the Best service in the Hacking world.

    Be sure to 📱 💻 us @

    Classic cyber notch at gmail dot com

    any time, any day to get the Best Professional hands involved in putting a smile on your face.
    We're Classic Notch

    Collins .A.

  9. My girlfriend has been cheating on me for months and I had no idea, I searched online to get help spying her iphone. I finally found a recommendation post about a reliable PI to help and I strongly recommend or whatsApp : +12678773020 Mr James to anyone who needs help spying their partner. I was able to access her iphone contents remotely and It literally worked . Don't hesitate to message him if you need help, i enjoyed his services.


    Have you ever wondered why people get so easily scammed by imposters all over the Web?

    It's no other reason than their vulnerability caused by desperation to get a problem fixed, which has led to Millions being ripped off their hard earned wealth and that's why Classic Cyber Notch has come to bring a stop to this wicked act and help already scammed victims get their hard earned wealth back.

    Classic Notch is a body of well Seasoned professional Hackers whom are well equipped with what it takes to getting your lost fund either probably through Binary options recovery scam back or lost via other means.

    We do jobs ranging from Securing Cyber Security stance to Cyber Hijacking of diverse types.

    Such as:

    ☑ Private investigating

    ☑ Phone hack

    ☑ Social media platform hack

    ☑ E-mail hack

    ☑ Recovery of passwords/documents

    ☑ Increase Credit score

    ☑ Clearing of Criminal records

    ☑ Binary options Recovery

    ☑ Issuing of Blank ATM

    ☑ Bit coin mining

    ☑ And many more.. Etc.

    ☑ Our success rate is top notch ☑

    Reach us via E-mail @

    Classic cyber notch at gmail dot com

    Classic cyber hacks at gmail dot com

    to put a smile back on your face.


    Collins .A.

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  12. Hiv-ziekte voor de laatste 3 jaar en had pijn die moeilijk te eten was en hoest zijn nachtmerries, vooral het eerste jaar. In dit stadium is het immuunsysteem ernstig verzwakt en het risico van het oplopen van opportunistische infecties is veel groter. Niet iedereen met HIV zal echter doorgaan met het ontwikkelen van AIDS. Hoe eerder u wordt behandeld, hoe beter uw uitkomst zal zijn. Ik begon met ARV om vroegtijdige dood te voorkomen, maar ik geloofde in God dat ik ooit zou worden genezen. Als een Hiv-octrooi adviseren wij om antiretrovirale behandelingen te nemen om onze kans te verkleinen van het verzenden van het virus naar anderen, een paar weken geleden kwam ik op zoek op het internet als ik informatie over Hiv-behandeling met kruidengeneeskunde kon krijgen, op mijn zoektocht zag ik een getuigenis van iemand die is genezen van Hiv haar naam was Achima Abelard en ander Herpes Virus patent Tasha Moore gaf ook getuigenis over deze zelfde man, genaamd Dr. Itua Herbal Center. Ik was ontroerd door de getuigenis en ik nam contact met hem op via zijn We praatten en stuurde me een flesje kruiden Geneeskunde Ik dronk het zoals hij mij opdroeg. Na het te hebben gedronken, vroeg hij me om een ​​test uit te voeren dat ik mijn lijdensweg met het Hiv-octrooi heb beëindigd. Ik ben genezen en vrij van Arv Pills. Ik ben hem altijd dankbaar Drituaherbalcenter . Hier zijn contactnummer +234 8149277967 ... Hij verzekert mij dat hij de volgende ziekte kan genezen .. Haar, kanker, herpesvirus, ziekte van Lyme, epilepsie, blaaskanker, colorectale kanker, borstkanker, nierkanker, leukemie, longkanker, non-hodgkin lymfoom, huid Kanker, Lupus, Baarmoederkanker, Prostaatkanker, fibromyalgie, ALS, Hepatitis, Copd, ziekte van Parkinson. Genetische ziekte, Fibrodysplasia-ziekte, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, Fluoroquinolone-toxiciteitssyndroom, Lever / Nier Inflammatoire, onvruchtbaarheid, darmziekte, ziekte van Huntington, Diabetes, Fibroid...

  13. I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a private investigator and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages, whatsApp messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr james was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via email( or WhatsApp : +12678773020

  14. My wife was so smooth at hiding her infidelity and I had no proof for months, I saw a recommendation about a Private investigator  and decided to give him a try.. the result was incredible because all my cheating wife’s text messages, whatsapp, facebook and even phone calls conversations was linked directly to my cellphone. (worldcyberhackers @ gmail . com) Mr James helped me put a round-the-clock monitoring on her and I got concrete evidence and gave it to my lawyer..if your wife is an expert at hiding her cheating adventures contact him through email or WhatsApp/SMS : +12678773020

  15. Hello all
    am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
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    Just wanted to call out Paul for his fantastic service through my home buying process - from identifying the best rate through to obtaining approval and settlement. This was my first home purchase and I think it's fair to say that it would have been significantly more challenging without his help. Paul was on top of everything that needed to be done - going the extra bit in dealing with the bank and conveyance to ensure that the whole process was concluded smoothly. The best part was that Paul was always there to answer any questions and provide support, making life much simpler. Highly recommended! Email: and whatsApp: +1 (270) 560-0820

    Just wanted to call out Paul for his fantastic service through my home buying process - from identifying the best rate through to obtaining approval and settlement. This was my first home purchase and I think it's fair to say that it would have been significantly more challenging without his help. Paul was on top of everything that needed to be done - going the extra bit in dealing with the bank and conveyance to ensure that the whole process was concluded smoothly. The best part was that Paul was always there to answer any questions and provide support, making life much simpler. Highly recommended! Email: and whatsApp: +1 (270) 560-0820


    PYTHONAX are a group of Certified and Registered Hackers under the Hackers Forum HackerOne. Based on the HackerOne standard, Hacking for individuals are not allowed and that’s why our services are more reliable and stay undetected.

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  22. This professional hacker is absolutely reliable and I strongly recommend him for any type of hack you require. I know this because I have hired him severally for various hacks and he has never disappointed me nor any of my friends who have hired him too, he can help you with any of the following hacks:

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